Jennifer and Jason came to visit this past week. Here are some photos.
Keegan playing at the agriturismo in Tuscany.

Gnawing on his very first piece of (Italian table) bread at our favorite restaurant in Tuscany. Mmmmmm!

Josh taking a picture of Jenn and Jason at the famous cypress trees in Tuscany.

Josh taking a picture of Jenn and Jason at the famous cypress trees in Tuscany.

Pause for a picture on a very windy day at Capri. I love the wisteria!

This picture made me laugh so hard. Our hair was swirling around our heads in the crazy wind!

Here we are on the Alibus that takes you from the port of Napoli to the airport. The bus driver yelled at me and told me he was not moving the bus until the baby was on my lap. He said that it was unsafe for him to be strapped in his car seat (which was locked into the stroller, which was locked into place, which I was standing next to holding). Hmmmmmmmm, I guess that was not too surprising to me since none of the Neapolitan children have car seats in the car. Btw, he slammed on the breaks about 10 times, so Keegan and I nearly went flying into the bar in front of us.

A produce stand in downtown Naples.
Lemons in Sorrento. They are huge!
love the pictures - looks like you had a great time with Jennifer and Jason. And Keegan is as adorable as ever! And I am sure the Italian women are as in love with him as he is with them - he's a cutie!