I miss Cameron every day, but today is always a tough reminder of what happened. I miss his silliness and I miss our banter. I was looking through pictures and came across this one from Memorial Day, 2007. Who knows what was actually going on, but I can guess that the "House Nazi" (as Cam affectionately called me) was discussing plans with the "Ribs Master" or maybe I was laughing at the fact that a wiffle ball was thrown through a china cabinet and we would have to pay 'this much' from our rental deposit. Whatever the case, good times were always had when we were together.

I'll never forget the first time that Cam made one of his famous cocktails for me. I have been hooked ever since. Here is a picture from some deployment where he was schooling other JOs how to make it. This totally reminds me of him and his mannerisms.

Josh, Cam and Pauly.

Cam, Foot and Josh.

I have said it in years past, but I would love nothing more than to have Cameron be here to play with our kids. He would be the fun Uncle that they always ask for. He would most likely try to corrupt them and I would yell at him, but that is what would make sense :)
4 years seems like yesterday. Thinking of our friend and all those who lost this great guy. <3